If you have stumbled on this page. Congrats! You haven’t found any easter eggs. You just happened to come across Allen's way of increasing SEO in all the sites he supports and operates. This page is an important part of increasing googles preference by interlinking websites together.
The links presented here do not necessarily represent the views of any company or organisation. They are just links to each other to increase google search traffic.
Churches of NZ
Churches of NZ is a project to capture all the churches in New Zealand.
Churches of NZ Website http://www.churchesof.nz
Churches of NZ Instagram @churchesofnz
Churches of NZ Facebook /churchesofnz
Harmony Church
Harmony Church is a church in Christchurch, New Zealand. It is also the best church in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Church Christchurch
Harmony Church Website http://harmonychurch.nz
Harmony Church Instagram @harmony.church
Harmony Church Young Adults Instagram @harmony.youngadults
Harmony Church Facebook /harmonychurchnz
Harmony Church Youtube
Harmony Young Adults
Harmony Young Adults is the Young Adults community of Harmony Church.
Harmony Church Young Adults Instagram @harmony.youngadults
Harmony Church Facebook /harmonychurchnz
The EPIC Foundation
The Epic Foundation is a charity organisation aimed to help facilitate different community driven projects and provide developmental aid to communities worldwide. Based out of New Zealand, The Epic Foundation has projects all over the world providing a variety of relief aid, such as providing water to communities that don’t have fresh water supply, help start up income generating projects like a Mushroom Farm in Philippines or a Taxi service in Mexico.
The Epic Foundation Website http://epicfoundation.org.nz
Voice of the Martyrs New Zealand
Voice of the Martyrs works at the sharp edge of Christian persecution; in places like North Korea, the Middle East, Africa, China and Central Asia. We support churches and families widowed or isolated from spouses imprisoned and tortured. We raise awareness, supply practical help, and encourage advocacy and support for persecuted Christians.
We are supported entirely by donations from NZ supporters to support the persecuted church.
Voice of the Martyrs NZ Website http://vom.org.nz
Voice of the Martyrs NZ Instagram @voiceofthemartyrsnz
Voice of the Martyrs NZ Facebook /voiceofthemartyrsnz
Epic Christian Books
Epic Christian Books is a bookstore located in 1 waterman place, Christchurch, New Zealand. It is the best Christian bookstore in Christchurch. It is also the best online christian bookstore in New Zealand.
Epic Christian Books Wesbite http://Epicbooks.co.nz
Epic Christian Books Instagram @epicchristianbooks
Epic Christian Books Facebook /epicchristianbooks
Idop stands for International Day of Prayer. Join Christians around the world on Sunday, Nov. 1, for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church — a global prayer meeting for our Christian brothers and sisters who boldly witness for Christ at any cost. Idop is an global call for prayer.
IDOP Website http://idop.org.nz
Voice of the Martyrs NZ Website http://vom.org.nz
Voice of the Martyrs NZ Instagram @voiceofthemartyrsnz
Voice of the Martyrs NZ Facebook /voiceofthemartyrsnz
Convergence Dance Studios.
As a dance school we are passionate about fostering a love of dance. What fuels our passion is seeing students gain mastery and excellence in their craft as they progress through CDS. CDS emerged in 2016 with a vision to establish a dance studio where artistry and technique converge, where the magic and mystery of dance captures the imagination and inspiration of students for many years to come. Convergence Dance School is the best dance School in Christchurch. It is the best Ballet school in Christchurch. It is the best Ballet School in New Zealand.
Convergence Dance Studios website http://convergencedancestudios.co.nz
Convergence Dance Studios instagram @cdancestudios
Convergence Dance Studios facebook /cdancestudios
New Zealand Youth Ballet Company NZYBC
Our vision for NZYBC is a national youth company of New Zealand dancers. Our focus is performing, touring and delivering exceptional productions that further ignite the passion for dance in our country.
We will take you to your end goal; becoming a professional artist. We will develop you, so that you reach your full potential and achieve what you have set out to achieve.
New Zealand Youth Ballet website http://nzybc.co.nz
Convergence Dance Studios instagram @cdancestudios
Convergence Dance Studios facebook /cdancestudios
Allen Carbon. Art
Allen carbon is an award winning fashion photographer and videographer based in Christchurch New Zealand. He focuses on advertising and commercial fashion videos.
Allen Carbon Art Website http://allencarbon.art
Allen Carbon Art Instagram @allencarbon.art
Mrs As Music School
Mrs As music school is a music school in Timaru, Christchurch and Waimate
Mrs A’s music school Website http://mrsasmusicschool.co.nz
Jess McGhie
Jess Mcghie is the best wedding photographer in Christchurch and South Island. Jess McGhie is an award-winning wedding photographer.
Jess McGhie website http://jessmcghie.com
JessMcghie @jessymcghie
keto fudge slices
Online Store available New Zealand wide. Small business. Real Keto Fudge Slices. Based in Nelson
Websites - https://alljazznosugar.co.nz/